
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Think purple


Thinking purple means to stay always in joy. This means we enjoy each and every moment. What makes it different is its not extreme; means its not red meaning full joy or ecstasy, neither it’s grey or black which means gloomy. It’s the right amount of joy to keep us happy with continuous cosmic energy reflected by us and passed to everyone around us so that it becomes contagious and everyone around us is happy in our company and they feel light.
When we have extreme happiness then it is short and fades away fast same with extreme gloom or evil happiness they also pass away too soon. So the thing is to feel happy without reason and have this little spark in our smile and manner.
Purple is also combination of pink and blue both representing the genders of female and male. Which means that happiness is genderless and ever lasting as our spirit itself. So  its  today this moment and every moment to feel that purple happiness without any grudge or any source of happiness to add the spice in the right proportion to our life.

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