
Saturday, July 4, 2015

The Law of Success by Sri Sri Paramhansa Yoganand

The Law of Success by Sri Sri Paramhansa Yoganand
Using the power of Spirit to Create Health, Prosperity and Happiness
(Book review 10/2015)

Really very inspiring book in a very beautiful format, it starts with “Faster the world moves, the more important it becomes to slow down and look within for what makes us truly happy.”

Is there a power that can reveal hidden veins of riches and uncover treasures of which we never dreamed? Is there a force that we can call upon to give health, happiness and spiritual enlightenment?

Your success in life does not altogether depend on ability and training; it also depends on your determination to grasp opportunities that are presented to you. Opportunities in life come by creation, not by chance.

You demonstrate success or failure according to your habitual trend of thought. In you which is stronger – success thoughts or failure thoughts?

Don’t mentally review any problem constantly. Let it rest as times and it may work itself out; but see that you do not rest so long that your discrimination is lost.

Along with positive thinking, you should use will power and continuous activity in order to be successful.

Fear exhausts life energy; it is one of the greatest enemies of dynamic will power.

The season of failure is the best time for sowing the seeds of success.

God does not reward or punish you. He has given you the power to reward or punish yourself by the use or misuse of your own reason and will power.