
Friday, October 31, 2014

Connect the dots by Rashmi Bansal (Book review 6/10)

Connect the dots by Rashmi Bansal

Stay Foolish”, I did like her first book so I bought the second book and it is definitely a good read. First of all the impression of the cover page is very nice at it sports the title in inverse and causes the intrigue which is the first step of marketing. By seeing the title we are tempted to read this book. Furthermore I have also read Rashmi’s first book “Stay Hungry Stay Foolish"

This book is capable to inspire any person to surmount their fears and shows that we don’t need any tangible resources to be an entrepreneur, what we need is just the indestructible will to overcome all the hurdles and continue the journey for it’s the journey that is exciting and not the destination. Secondly all the stories or actually most of it has the people who started with an idea and let the business come to them naturally and they enjoyed every bit of their journey and inspiring many people by that for actions speak louder than words. We may read tons of books and not gain anything in the end for the worth of any idea is in its application. We Indians are imaginative people we get lots of ideas during a single day but by the evening they go down the drain, total waste of the intellectual capabilities granted by the very nature for faith in the idea is the life blood of any idea without the faith we can’t move even a single step foreword. It is just the first step which is difficult in every situation in the life, all the further steps just come naturally and even we don’t realize when we start to walk and ultimately run. So for that I liked the book as it’s based on the common people like you and me, common people who became uncommon be holding on to their ideas with mountain shattering faith and showed the world that everything is possible and that also anything that is constant in this world is change.

Really an interesting book in line with the books by Robert Kiyosaki, Napoleon Hill and of course as Swami Vivekananda has said any knowledge that is concrete and true adds up to the previous knowledge and it never negates it. So very true.

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